Chengdu Yuanwang Automobile Electrical Appliance Co.Ltd
(Chengdu New Yuanwang Automobile Electric Motor Co. Ltd) was established in 2002.
Our Company locates to JinHua Town, Wuhou District, Chengdu City – (has recently relocated Chengzi Industrial Park).
We specialize in designing, manufacturing and selling auto starter assembly and its main componentry such as, Stators,Rotors and Brush holder assembly.
Our key staff members are dedicated to the Auto start technology and manufacturing business and represent years of experience in the industry.
Our Company adopts an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) to manage the manufacturing material process. We run numerous assembly lines and bespoke equipment to ensure the most efficient and successful outcome with the ideology of “One Logistics”
The first quality management system ISO/TS16949 was established in 2008. This system has been authenticated by an independent third party representing authority.
Our products apply to small cars, sedans, medium rigid vehicles, utes. The main structure types are listed as follows:
1. Auto starter assembly: electromagnetic coaxial, electromagnetic speed deceleration, permanent-magnet coaxial, permanent-magnet speed deceleration
2. Stator assembly: permanent-magnet, magnetizing
3. Rotor assembly: direct-drive, speed deceleration
4. Electric brush holder assembly: pressing riveting, injection molding
Our Company incorporates local and international advanced technology and equipment. We actively pursue new technology and improve our processes to ensure the quality of the product is outstanding and we pride ourselves on being a professional and diligent operation.
目前,公司客户华川电装、台湾扬弘(博士子公司)、台湾士林电机、重庆吉力芸峰、台州博得等公司均已批量配套使用我公司的产品。近几年在国外市场的开拓上也取得迅速发展,产品远销欧洲及北美市场,如:AEP(箭头公司)、WAI(畅博)、Fricke SE等。奋进中的“远旺”愿与各方朋友诚信合作、互惠互利、共谋发展!
Our products are widely used by many reputable companies, key companies are: CHCD, Unipoint, Shihlin Electric, Chongqing JILI YUNFENG Industry Group and Taizhou New Broad Auto Electrical Co., Ltd.
In recent years, our products are being exported to Europe and North America, such as AEP, WAI and Fricke SE. Our company focuses in "integrity-based, reciprocal co-development", and we openly and willing co-operate with all potential business partners with the objective to both have a prosperous outcome for current and future partnerships.
• 公 司 愿 景: 成为客户满意与可信赖的供应商
Our Goal: To be your exceptional and reliable supplier.
• 经 营 方 针: 向客户提供高性价比的满意产品
Our Management Policy: To provide you a high quality product that appreciates in value.
• 核心价值观: 卓越来自全方位的满意
Core Value: Our accomplishment comes from your full satisfaction
• 工 作 方 针: 充满激情、创造价值、精诚团结、共谋发展
Operating Policy: Be passionate, create value, unity and team work through support.